Anyone can suffer from domestic abuse. See below to see the signs.
Anyone can be affected by domestic abuse and anyone can be an abuser. The abused person or abuser, or could be: homeless, drug or alcohol abuser, gambling addict, unemployed, student, manager, police officer, teacher, millionnaire, in fact anyone in secret could be involved. Simply put, the abused sufferer can experience abuse, whatever: race, gender, ethnicity, religion, class, financial status, age, disability or lifestyle.
Over 33% of domestic abuse and violence starts during pregnancy. Additionally, it can get much worse over the nine months of pregnancy, if it started before pregnancy. Whatever your situation or background, as an abused person or abuser, you can get lots of help and support from GP's, charities, NHS, and specialist private therapists.
How can I tell I am being abused?
- You may be in an abusive relationship, if you answered Yes to one or more of the following questions:
- Has your partner attempted to stop you seeing your family or friends?
- Has your partner blocked you from starting or progressing a college course, or from gaining or attending work?
- Has your partner continuously checked up on you or followed you?
- Has your partner ever accused you of having affairs or unjustly flirting with anyone?
- Does your partner regularly criticise you or insult you or belittle or humiliate you, in front of other people?
- Be honest, does your partner ever scare you or make you feel unsafe?
- Are you so afraid of what your partner might say or do, that you have had to change your behaviour?
- Has there ever been a time when your partner has broken or destroyed any of your personal items (e.g. phone, clothes, tablet, photographs, bank cards, keys)?
- Have you or your children ever been threatened or hurt by your partner?
- Have you ever been unable to buy food and other important household items, for yourself or your children, because your partner has kept money from you?
- Does your partner ever make you do things you really do not want to do? (e.g. beg for money, apologise when you haven't done anything wrong, perform sexual favours or other sexual demands you are not comfortable with).
There are lots of people who can help you if you think you are in an abusive relationship. Ask your GP for a list of charities or NHS therapy (long waiting list may apply) or research online for a highly recommended private therapist. Here, we treat sufferers of domestic violence regularly. Some of the methods and skills we use are: dealing with self-esteem, reducing anxiety, panic and stress, building confidence, improving sleep, increasing positive thinking, and other important common symptoms of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). The clinical methods we use and integrate here are: Counselling, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.