Confidence & Self-Esteem
Confidence and Self-Eteem is one of the most popular and sought after requests for therapy help from us. Many people often confuse confidence and self-esteem or tend to combine both topics together as one. Methods including Psychotherapy, Counselling, Hypnotherapy or CBT re Confidence and Self-Esteem, are needed to successfully help and support someone to greatly improve their Confidence and Self-Esteem.
Let us now take Confidence and seperate it from Self-Esteem We would advise that general Confidence usually relates to the level of positive cognitive changes (thinking, feeling,believing), that you can or able to do or achieve something, followed by positive behavioural changes (practicing and proving) that you have already demonstraed or achieved something. Please do not confuse general confidence with Developing Confidence in Relationships.
Thinking now about Self-Esteem, this is far more about the internal visualisation and picture we develop, think or feel about ourselves, in relation to others and the world. For example, if we take negative self-esteem to an extreme level, it can change into one of the following; Body Image Confidence, also can be Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), or sometimes linked to Social Anxiety. Two of the most common therapy goals that we help clients achieve are reducing Anxiety and Stress, Ego Strengthening and Increasing Self-Esteem.