Body Image Confidence
Body Image Confidence for a purpose of our website categories is listed here within Relationships. However, low body image confidence can also occur outside or not part of an ongoing relationship. The reality is that sometimes negative body image confidence can be a barrier to even starting or developing a relationship in the first place. Where body image confidence is extremely and obsessively negative, this then becomes part of a more serious listed mental health disorder called Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).
Most people (Male or Female) will temporarily feel a slightly reduced sense in body image confidence when they approach puberty and/or start senior school. This temporary reduction in body confidence will affect overall areas of self esteem. However in some cases this reduction can reduce or even completely stop someones motivation, ability and self-believe in mixing socially, in person or on-line. A well know phrase that is often used is "Does my bum look big in this?".
Sometimes body image confidence can greatly affect self-esteem and personal confidence within the bedroom relationship. Some people may feel so inferior or anxious, that they cannot undress without the lights off. In extreme cases some couples have not seen themselves undressed with a light on in many years. This can be hard to believe when we naturally closely associate a healthy loving relationship with total trust and total acceptance of the other person.
To see full details of our various therapies and how we can powerfully and effectively intergrate therapies together for success re Body Image Confidence via Hypno-CBT.