Children, Teenagers/Adolescents

We see Children from age 11 and Teenagers/Adolecents from 13 to age 17 to deliver therapies within: Counselling, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy.
Special challenges are Separation Anxiety, Child Abuse, Bullying, Playing Truant, Performance Confidence, Personal Self-Esteem, Ongoing Relationships and Bereavement Relationships. For all other challenges please go back to the home page and click on the relevant challenge.
We are totally confidential and understanding during all Counselling, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, here at Barnsley Hypnosis and Counselling.
We are happy to be supportive and positive toward all LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (or Questioning), Intersex, Asexual and more clients.
Please click to the right for more information.