Conceiving (Natural, IVF, Donor Sperm / Eggs)
There are 4 main stages to giving birth to a healthy, full-term bouncing baby. The first is conception, the second is achieving the 3 months stage of pregnancy, the third is achieving a full 9 months term of pregnancy, the fourth is giving birth in the most relaxed and stress-free way. The final stage is called Hypnobirthing and this stage has become more and more popular world-wide over the last 20 years, as a natural drug-free aid to helping to achieve a more relaxing, more confident and more comfortable birth.
Although other Hypnotherapists may be providing support via the end stage of: 'Hypnobirthing', few provide effective Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis and Counselling support and help in the earlier first 3 stages of: conception, then all way through towards a healthy full-term pregnancy.
For many years our many numerous clients have travelled from South, West, North and East Yorkshire, to gain our positive help in creating their best psychological 'Nest' ready to conceive, carry and give birth to a lovely, healthy bouncing baby.
Our powerfully positive and relaxing Hypnotherapy or any other medical or surgical methods cannot offer any guarantees to ensure that you conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby. However it makes sense to really maximise your chances via deep relaxation and powerful positive thinking, especially if your earlier attempts have failed and your body clock is ticking.
Many of our past clients had previously tried unsuccessfully the natural methods of conception, then had 1, 2, 3, or more programmes of IVF in order to try to conceive and then try to carry a baby to full-term of 9 months. Following them receiving stress-relieving and muscle-relaxing Hypnotherapy from us, many were then able to conceive after between 6 months to 24 months and many were able to successfully give birth.
The more the prospective mother tries the more she creates further stress and negative thinking, so it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is well-known from wide clinical research that lowered levels of stress and more positive thinking can increase chances of conception, pregnancy and birthing.
In many cases our past clients had almost given up getting pregnant and carrying to the full-term 9 months. We then supported them to reduce their stresses, anxieties and negative thinking. These negativities were replaced by relaxed positive thinking, therefore creating the perfect psychological nest for a baby to be conceived, plus to grow and be born healthy.
Birds spend many hours and days fetching twigs and grass and leaves to make the perfect safe nest, ready to give birth to their precious babies. Yet we often have such very busy, stressful jobs and lives, which may not be the most positive and relaxed psychological nest and home for a potential healthy baby.
For further free details speak to Wendy about Hypnobirthing, Conception or Pregnancy (with or without IVF), on: 01226 726008.
Improve your fertility and conceiving using powerful Hypnotherapy and Relaxation
After you and your partner have attended many consultations and have numerous and various tests, you may still be left with infertility. In this case our positive and deeply relaxing hypnotherapy can help you and your partner to regenerate and maximise your natural chances to conceive and give birth to a healthy bouncing baby. Many research studies have identified, demonstrated and proven that hypnotherapy and very deep relaxation affects your hypothalamus.
It is well known that your hypothalamus reacts negatively towards harmful stress and anxieties re: work, relationships, children, past difficult or unsuccessful pregnancies etc. The function of the hypothalamus is to act as a connection between your subconscious emotions and fears and your conscious bodily reactions. This mis-match of conflicting information can greatly impact your chances of having a baby. For example your deep down unconscious part of your brain may be saying NO, I'm not ready yet due to stress of: work, family, relationships, or negative memories of past difficult or unsuccessful pregnancies or births. But your conscious part of your mind may be saying PLEASE YES I so much want to have a baby.
Hypnotherapy by a qualified, trained and experienced Professional Therapist is an extremely effective mind-body method to support you to find and remove the many subconscious barriers stopping you from conceiving naturally. Stress can be for a number of reasons and can greatly reduce or stop completely your opportunities of either conceiving naturally or with the additional intervention of specialist IVF treatment.
Hypnotherapy can help in partnership with IVF treatments or donor sperm
A well-known and highly respected Fertility Journal, reports that women receiving hypnotherapy whilst also having IVF have an increased likelihood of conception. The research shows “rates of clinical pregnancy and implantation were both significantly higher in the women who underwent hypnosis... than in those who had regular IVF-ET cycles”. Hypnosis relieves stress, and thereby reduces uterine activity and improves the interaction of the embryo with the uterus, while increasing the chances of implantation.” (Source: Fertility and Sterility 2006: 85: 1404-8)
All these negative emotions can have a detrimental impact on the odds of conception by
- Suppressing luteinizing hormone
- Increasing serum cortisol levels
- Inhibiting hypothalamic Gnrh function
- Preventing implantation of a fertilized egg
- Reducing egg quality
- Delaying release of eggs
- Elevating prolactin levels
Often after as few as 3 or 4 hypnosis sessions, women with diagnoses ranging from physiological impediments to unexplained fertility are finally becoming pregnant. Naturally or in conjunction with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) these women’s dreams are at last coming true. According to a study presented to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Berlin in July of 2004, hypnosis can effectively double the success of IVF treatments.
Hypnobirthing can offer very effective and practical support, to empower you to have a more relaxed, confident and natural childbirth. With regular practice during your pregnancy, you may increase your chance of having:
- A shorter, more comfortable birth with less intervention
- Greater satisfaction with your experience, however you give birth
- A reduced 'Pain-Tension-Fear Cycle' of childbirth
Your natural, easy and comfortable drug-free birth
You can learn how to use strong and positive calming and relaxing self-hypnosis methods. You are totally in control, will be fully prepared and confident about having a positive, relaxed, natural birthing experience.
Do not worry as you will not be asleep during your Hypnobirthing, so you will remember your more relaxing and amazing childbirth. So you can fully experience a natural and calm birth, free of muscle tension and fear.
Written evidence and research shows that women who learn hypnosis before giving birth, have less problems, need less drugs and usually have healthier babies. Full details can be found in the publication of: International Science News August 2000
Mother's Benefits:
- Reduces pain by minimising the 'Fear, Muscle-Tension & Pain' problems before during and after the birth of your baby
- Minimises need for anaesthesia, drugs, episiotomy and other medical treatments
- Shortens most labour stages by many hours to minimise time overall labour times
- Minimises the risk of muscle tightness and resulting pelvic floor damage
- Minimises mother's postnatal discomfort and emotional after-birth feelings
- Calmer, happier, less stressed babies, improving feeding and sleeping routines.
You can now relax deeply and feel more confident and positive about your conception, pregnancy and birth of your baby. You can now be empowered and supported towards learning how to release your fears or anxieties about giving conceiving getting pregnant, plus carrying to full-term and then having a relaxing and less painful birth. Also learn to overcome negative emotional memories about past previous traumatic births. You can also involve your partner and they can also either attend with you here or listen to the Home CDs you are given to maximise your personal positive therapy here with us at Barnsley Hypnosis & Counselling.
Our powerfully positive and relaxing Hypnotherapy or any other medical or surgical methods cannot offer any guarantees to ensure that you conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby. However it makes sense to really maximise your chances via deep relaxation and powerful positive thinking, especially if your earlier attempts have failed and your body clock is ticking.
For further free details speak to Wendy about Hypnobirthing, Conception or Pregnancy (with or without IVF), on: 01226 726008.